Migration guide
What type of integration are you using?
Select the integration type you are using.
Before you begin with the migration, check the integration type and version.
PluginLog in to your shop and check the installed plugin version.
Payment pageCheck if you are sending SENDER, LOGIN, PASSWORD, and CHANNELIDs to handover transactions to Unzer.
Seamless integrationCheck if you are sending SENDER, LOGIN, PASSWORD, and CHANNELIDs to handover transactions to Unzer.
Still not sure about integration type? Reach out for help.
Which shop plugin are you using?
Log in to your shop and go to the respective settings and configuration. Check the installed Unzer plugin version.
Still not sure about integration type? Reach out for help
Upgrade your shop version
Upgrade to the shop system as described here:
Sorry, this plugin doesn't support the migration from Sofort to Direct Bank Transfer yet. The support for it will come later.
Please check the list of shop systems that we are going to introduce soon: https://docs.unzer.com/plugins/#coming-soon
Do you have questions about upgrade? Reach out for help
Are you using Payment pages?
Are you using heidelpay CheckOut (hCO) or another older solution to provide your end customers a checkout of Heidelpay (now Unzer)?
The payment page is a pre-built webpage that enables you to offer your customers a variety of payment methods without the need to implement each one individually. This makes it one of the quickest ways to integrate.
Embedded Payment pagehttps://docs.unzer.com/online-payments/payment-pages/payment-pages-v2/integrate-epp-v2/
Hosted Payment pagehttps://docs.unzer.com/online-payments/payment-pages/payment-pages-v2/integrate-hpp-v2/
Still not sure about integration type? Reach out for help
Upgrade your software
Please refer to the following docs for more information:
- Unzer Direct Bank Transfer https://docs.unzer.com/payment-methods/unzer-bank-transfer/
- API Basics https://docs.unzer.com/server-side-integration/api-basics/
- Embedded Payment Page https://docs.unzer.com/online-payments/payment-pages/payment-pages-v2/integrate-epp-v2/
- Hosted Payment Page https://docs.unzer.com/online-payments/payment-pages/payment-pages-v2/integrate-hpp-v2/
- LinkPay integration https://docs.unzer.com/online-payments/payment-pages/payment-pages-v2/integrate-linkpay-v2/
Do you have questions about upgrade? Reach out for help
How do you handover transactions to Unzer?
Do you handover transactions via POST call (Key-value pairs) or via XML, or you request several or single transactions via XML from Heidelpay or Unzer against one of the following URLs?
Do you have questions about upgrade? Reach out for help
Upgrade your software
Do you have questions about upgrade? Reach out for help
Thank you
This completes the migration guide.
If you have any further questions regarding the migration, contact us at support@unzer.com