
Important information

Updates to Visa secure data field mandate: Read more about the mandatory changes.


Example implementations

Unzer API PHP SDK is provided with example payment integrations

Activate the examples

To enable the examples:

  1. Navigate to the examples folder, open the _enableExamples.php file, and change the constant UNZER_PAPI_EXAMPLES from false to true. You should disable it again as soon as you launch your application.
  2. You may need to adapt the constant UNZER_PAPI_FOLDER to match your folder structure. For example, define('UNZER_PAPI_FOLDER', '/sdk-test/vendor/unzerdev/php-sdk/examples/');
  3. Set the keypair constants UNZER_PAPI_PRIVATE_KEY and UNZER_PAPI_PUBLIC_KEY to valid values. To learn more how you can get a valid keypair or use your own sandbox keys, go to the Getting started section.

Use the examples

To use the examples go to the examples folder, for example and choose the payment method you want to try out.

The examples provide a generic handler examples\\ReturnController.php that shows the handling of the initial transactions of most payment types in one place.