
Important information

Updates to Visa secure data field mandate: Read more about the mandatory changes.


Charge a payment

Transfer money form the customer to the merchant.


The charge resource is used for activating the flow of transferring the money from the customer to you (merchant). When the customer initiates a payment, based on your configuration, a direct charge request or authorization request is created. You can either charge directly or authorize the payment and then charge it later.

Check Payment methods page to see what payment methods support direct charge (most do) and charge after authorization.

For secured payment methods like invoice secured, paylater invoice, and installment secured, the charge is the confirmation of the shipment by you. It ensures the payout to you. Without the shipment or charge, your transaction will not be paid out. Read more in Confirm shipment page.

Charge directly

Direct charge debits the customer’s account without any prior authorization.

A direct charge is triggered by calling the charge function of the Unzer object or with an amount, currency, order ID, and a reference to a payment method. Alternatively you can use the charge function of a created payment type object

  // basic charge example
  $unzer  = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
  $chargeInstance = new Charge(12.99, 'EUR', 'https://your.return.url');
  $typeId = 's-crd-9wmri5mdlqps';
  $charge = $unzer->performCharge($chargeInstance, $typeId);
  // basic charge example
  $unzer  = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
  $card   = $unzer->fetchPaymentType('s-crd-9wmri5mdlqps');
  $charge = $card->charge(100.0, 'EUR', 'https://your.return.url');
icon info
Some payment types require a customer resource, which can be passed as additional parameter to the transaction.
Refer to the Manage Customer section to learn more about adding a customer reference.

Arguments to Unzer::performCharge

Expand/Collapse argument list
ChargeThe Charge object containing transaction specific information.
BasePaymentType | stringThe payment type object or the ID of the payment type to use.
customer*Customer |stringA reference to the customer resource corresponding to this payment.
This can be either a customer object or the ID of an existing customer resource.
For more details, see Manage customer.
metadata*MetadataThe Metadata object containing custom information for the payment.
basket*BasketA reference to the basket corresponding to this payment.
For more details, see Manage baskets.
* If an object is used, the ID for which is not set (the resource is currently not available in the Unzer API), the customer resource is automatically created and referenced with the transaction call.

Charge properties

The charge object used in the performCharge method needs certain properties set in oder to create a proper transaction that are listed below:

Expand/Collapse property list
amountfloatThe amount to be charged
Required: true
currencystringThe currency of the amount.
Required: true
returnUrlstringThe URL the customer will be redirected to after a transaction.
This needs to be set to a valid URL, no matter whether a redirect is necessary or not.
Required: true
orderIdstringThe ID of the order in your store.
This ID can be used to fetch the payment resource from the Unzer API using the method Unzer::fetchPaymentByOrderId($YourOrderId)
Required: false
Default: null
card3ds (Deprecated)booleanAllows to switch between a 3DS and non-3DS channel, if both are configured for the merchant. Otherwise it will be ignored.
Required: false
Default: null
invoiceIdstringThis is used to transmit the invoice ID from your shop to the API.
Required: false
Maximum length: 16 characters
Default: null
paymentReferencestringThis is a reference string to show the customer the purpose of the transaction. This will be shown on the bank statement of the buyer.
Required: false
Default: null
additionalTransactionDatastdClassThis can be used to add additional information to your transaction if required/supported by the payment method. (for example, it is used to set recurrence type for card payments.)

For a full list of the charges request parameter, please refer to API reference.

Additional transaction Data

For some transactions it can be necessary to set additionalTransactionData, in general these can be added to a Charge or Authorization transaction using the addAdditionalTransactinData($key, $value) method when needed. For specific fields extra setter methods are provided. Examples can be found below:

Setting card data PHP-SDK provides extra setter for setting card’s recurrenceType :

// create auth/charge transaction object...
// perform transaction ...
// create auth/charge transaction object...
$cardData = (new \UnzerSDK\Resources\EmbeddedResources\CardTransactionData())
// perform transaction ...

Setting shipping data

// create auth/charge transaction object...
$shipping = (new ShippingData())

// perform transaction ...

Setting riskData

// create auth/charge transaction object...
$riskData = (new RiskData())

// perform transaction ...

[Deprecated] Arguments to Unzer::charge

Expand/Collapse argument list
amountfloatThe amount to be charged
Required: true
currencystringThe currency of the amount.
Required: true
paymentTypestring or BasePaymentTypeThe PaymentType object or the ID of the PaymentType to use.

The charge function of payment types don’t have this parameter, the other parameters are the same.

Required: true
returnUrlstringThe URL the customer will be redirected to after a transaction.
This needs to be set to a valid URL, no matter whether a redirect is necessary or not.
Required: true
customer*string or UnzerSDK\Resources\CustomerA reference to the customer resource corresponding to this payment.
This can be either a customer object or the ID of an existing customer resource. If a customer object is used whose ID is not set (i. e. the resource does not exist yet in the Unzer API) the customer resource will automatically be created and referenced with the transaction call.
For more details, see Manage customer.
Required: false
Default: null
orderIdstringThe ID of the order in your store.
This ID can be used to fetch the payment resource from the Unzer API using the method Unzer::fetchPaymentByOrderId($YourOrderId)
Required: false
Default: null
metadata*UnzerSDK\Resources\MetadataA reference to the metadata corresponding to this payment.
The metadata object can be used to pass along custom information which you wish to reference to the payment.
For more details, see Manage metadata
Required: false
Default: null
basket*UnzerSDK\Resources\BasketA reference to the basket corresponding to this payment.
For more details, see Manage baskets
Required: false
Default: null
card3ds (Deprecated)booleanAllows to switch between a 3DS and non-3DS channel, if both are configured for the merchant. Otherwise it will be ignored.
Required: false
Default: null
invoiceIdstringThis is used to transmit the invoice ID from your shop to the API.
Maximum length: 16 characters
paymentReferencestringThis is a reference string to show the customer the purpose of the transaction. This will be shown on the bank statement of the buyer.
Required: false
Default: null
recurrenceTypestringRecurrence type used for recurring payment.

Required: false
Default: null
additionalTransactionDatastdClassThis can be used to add additional information to your transaction if requiered/supported by the payment method. (for example, used to set recurrence type for card payments.)
* If an object is used, the ID for which is not set (the resource is currently not available in the Unzer API), the customer resource is automatically created and referenced with the transaction call.

Arguments to charge of payment type

Expand/Collapse argument list
amountfloatThe amount to be charged
Required: true
currencystringThe currency of the amount.
Required: true
paymentTypestring or BasePaymentTypeThe PaymentType object or the ID of the PaymentType to use.

The charge function of payment types don’t have this parameter, the other parameters are the same.

Required: true
returnUrlstringThe URL the customer will be redirected to after a transaction.
This needs to be set to a valid URL, no matter whether a redirect is necessary or not.
Required: true
customer*string or UnzerSDK\Resources\CustomerA reference to the customer resource corresponding to this payment.
This can be either a customer object or the ID of an existing customer resource. If a customer object is used whose ID is not set (i. e. the resource does not exist yet in the Unzer API) the customer resource will automatically be created and referenced with the transaction call.
For more details, see Manage customer.
Required: false
Default: null
orderIdstringThe ID of the order in your store.
This ID can be used to fetch the payment resource from the Unzer API using the method Unzer::fetchPaymentByOrderId($YourOrderId)
Required: false
Default: null
metadata*UnzerSDK\Resources\MetadataA reference to the metadata corresponding to this payment.
The metadata object can be used to pass along custom information which you wish to reference to the payment.
For more details, see Manage metadata
Required: false
Default: null
basket*UnzerSDK\Resources\BasketA reference to the basket corresponding to this payment.
For more details, see Manage baskets
Required: false
Default: null
card3ds (Deprecated)booleanAllows to switch between a 3DS and non-3DS channel, if both are configured for the merchant. Otherwise it will be ignored.
Required: false
Default: null
invoiceIdstringThis is used to transmit the invoice ID from your shop to the API.
Maximum length: 16 characters
paymentReferencestringThis is a reference string to show the customer the purpose of the transaction. This will be shown on the bank statement of the buyer.
Required: false
Default: null
recurrenceTypestringRecurrence type used for recurring payment.

Required: false
Default: null
additionalTransactionDatastdClassThis can be used to add additional information to your transaction if requiered/supported by the payment method. (for example, used to set recurrence type for card payments.)
* If an object is used, the ID for which is not set (the resource is currently not available in the Unzer API), the customer resource is automatically created and referenced with the transaction call.

Charge after authorization

If an authorization transaction has been performed the authorized amount can be charged. It is possible to perform several charges until the authorized amount is reached. The SDK provides multiple ways to perform this task.

Option 1: Charge full amount

  // charge authorized amount by payment ID
  $unzer  = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
  $chargeTransaction = $unzer->performChargeOnPayment('s-pay-1', new Charge());
// charge authorized amount by authorization object
$unzer         = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
$authorization = $unzer->fetchAuthorization('s-pay-1');
$charge        = $authorization->charge();
// charge authorized amount by payment object
$unzer   = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
$payment = $unzer->fetchPayment('s-pay-1');
$charge  = $payment->charge();

Option 2: Charge partial amount

You can also partially charge a payment. This is useful if you shipped some goods to the customer and only want to invoice the shipped goods. If you are charging partially, and charge more than the total charge amount, an error is displayed.

// part charge authorization by payment ID
$unzer   = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');

$charge1 = $unzer->performChargeOnPayment('s-pay-1', new Charge(60.00));
$charge2 = $unzer->performChargeOnPayment('s-pay-1', new Charge(40.00));
// part charge authorization by authorization object
$unzer         = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
$authorization = $unzer->fetchAuthorization('s-pay-1');
$charge1 = $authorization->charge(50.0);
$charge2 = $authorization->charge(50.0);
// part charge authorization by payment object
$unzer   = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
$payment = $unzer->fetchPayment('s-pay-1');
$charge1 = $payment->charge(50.0);
$charge2 = $payment->charge(50.0);

Arguments to Unzer::performChargeOnPayment

Expand/Collapse argument list
paymentstring or UnzerSDK\Resources\PaymentThe ID of the payment resource or the payment object itself can be entered here.
Required: true
ChargeThe Charge object containing transaction specific information.

Charge properties after authorization

The list below contains properties that are relevant for a charge of an authorized payment.

Expand/Collapse property list
amountfloatThe amount to charge of the authorization. The method will perform a full charge of the authorization if the amount is not set.
Required: false
Default: null
orderIdstringThe ID of the order in your store.
This ID can be used to fetch the payment resource from the Unzer API using the method Unzer::fetchPaymentByOrderId($YourOrderId)
Required: false
Default: null
invoiceIdstringThis is the invoiceId from your shop.
Required: false
Maximum length: 16 characters
Default: null
paymentReferencestringThis is a reference string to show the customer the purpose of the transaction. This will be shown on the bank statement of the buyer.
Required: false
Default: null

[Deprecated] Arguments to Unzer::chargeAuthorization

Expand/Collapse property list
paymentstring or UnzerSDK\Resources\PaymentThe ID of the payment resource or the payment object itself can be entered here.
Required: true
amountfloatThe amount to charge of the authorization. The method will perform a full charge of the authorization if the amount is not set.
Required: false
Default: null
orderIdstringThe ID of the order in your store.
This ID can be used to fetch the payment resource from the Unzer API using the method Unzer::fetchPaymentByOrderId($YourOrderId)
Required: false
Default: null
invoiceIdstringThis is the invoiceId from your shop.
Required: false
Maximum length: 16 characters
Default: null

Arguments to Authorization::charge

amountfloatThe amount to charge the authorization. The method will perform a full charge of the authorization if the amount is not set.
Required: false
Default: null

Arguments to Payment::charge

amountfloatThe amount to charge the authorization. The method will perform a full charge of the authorization if the amount is not set.
Required: false
Default: null
currencystringThe currency of the amount.
Required: false
Default: null

Transaction results

The authorization object is updated with the data from the Unzer API response. It contains the paymentId (for example, s-pay-1), the transactionId, and other properties. The transaction object provides getter functions to access these properties.

The properties isSuccess, isPending and isError indicate the result of the transaction. Only one of these three can be true.

If the transaction fails, the Unzer API returns an error resource. In the SDK, this is handled as an UnzerSDK\Exceptions\UnzerApiException. Make sure to catch the exception type and handle it as properly.

For an example transaction, see Authorize a payment.

try {
    $unzer     = new UnzerSDK\Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
    $charge = new Charge(100.00, 'EUR', $returnUrl);
    $unzer->performCharge($charge, $typeId);

    if ($charge->isSuccess) {
    // Transaction has to be pending at this point.
} catch (UnzerApiException $e) {
    // Transaction failed. API returned error resource.
    $this->redirectToFailure(); // redirect to the failure page of your shop
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    $merchantMessage = $e->getMessage();

See also