
Important information

Please be advised that there will be a scheduled downtime across our API network on November 05 and November 07, 2024. For more information, visit our platform status portal.:
- Scheduled maintenance on November 5, 2024
- Scheduled maintenance on November 7, 2024


Create Payment Page

Learn how to create and use Payment Page resource with Java SDK


To be able to use the Payment Page integrationwith the Java SDK, you must create a Paypage instance and initialize it using the Unzer object.As a result you get an ID and a redirectURL which can be used to show the Payment Page:

  • use the Payment Page ID to render the embedded Payment Page as described in Embedded Payment Page guide.
  • or redirect your customer to the redirectURL to use hosted Payment Page as shown in the Hosted Payment Page guide.

Initialize a Payment Page

A Payment Page needs at least amount, currency, returnUrl and action to be initialized. Optional parameter for the API request can be added to your paypage instance using the setter function of the given property as demonstrated in the example below.

For a complete list of request parameters, see the API reference.

package com.unzer.payment.integration.paymenttypes;

import com.unzer.payment.Paypage;
import com.unzer.payment.Unzer;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.Map;

class Example {
  void run() throws Exception {
    Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

    Paypage page = new Paypage();

    // Set amount to be charged

    // Choose between charge or authorize transaction type
    page.setAction(Paypage.Action.AUTHORIZE); // or Paypage.Action.CHARGE

    // Set optional parameters
    page.setReturnUrl(new URL("https://your.return.url"));
    page.setShopName("My Test Shop");
    page.setShopDescription("We are selling goods.");
    page.setTagline("We are selling goods.");
    page.setTermsAndConditionUrl(new URL("https://your.tac.url"));
    page.setPrivacyPolicyUrl(new URL("https://your.privacy.policy.url"));
    page.setImprintUrl(new URL("https://your.imprint.url"));
    page.setHelpUrl(new URL(""));
    page.setContactUrl(new URL(""));

    // Add styling
        "shopDescription", "color: purple",
        "header", "background-color: red",
        "helpUrl", "color: blue",
        "contactUrl", "color: green"

    // Send Payment Page to Unzer
    page = unzer.paypage(page);

    // Provide redirect URL to customer.
    String redirectUrl = page.getRedirectUrl();

    // After customer submits the payment, they will be redirected to the returnUrl

    // Store paymentId to be able to fetch the payment later
    String paymentId = page.getPaymentId();

Fetch a Payment Page

You can find an already created payment page by searching for its ID.

package com.unzer.payment.integration.paymenttypes;

import com.unzer.payment.Paypage;
import com.unzer.payment.Unzer;

class Example {
  void run() throws Exception {
    Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

    String paypageId = "s-ppg-xxxxxxx";
    Paypage page = unzer.fetchPaypage(paypageId);

Exclude payment types

To exclude payment types from the Payment Page, pass a list of type names to paypage.setExcludeTypes during initialization.

package com.unzer.payment.integration.paymenttypes;

import com.unzer.payment.Paypage;
import com.unzer.payment.Unzer;

class Example {
  void run() throws Exception {
    Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

    Paypage page = new Paypage();
    // ...

    // Exclude one
    page.setExcludeTypes(new String[]{"paypal"});
    // ...or several payment types
    page.setExcludeTypes(new String[]{"paypal", "card"});

    // ...
    // Initialize

Additional Attributes

In Java SDK, you can set additional attributes by calling the general setter for adding additional attributes.

See Paypage documentationto learn more about Additional Attributes

package com.unzer.payment.integration.paymenttypes;

import com.unzer.payment.Paypage;
import com.unzer.payment.Unzer;
import java.util.Map;

class Example {
  void run() throws Exception {
    Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");

    // Create object
    Paypage page = new Paypage();

    // Set attributes
    // `setAdditionalAttributes` accepts only Map<String, String> as a parameter.
    // Attribute name and value must be of String type.
        "effectiveInterestRate", "4.99",
        "exemptionType", "lvp"

    // ...

See also