
Important information

Updates to Visa secure data field mandate: Read more about the mandatory changes.


Charge a payment

Transfer money form the customer to the merchant.


The charge resource is used for activating the flow of transferring the money from the customer to you (merchant). When the customer initiates a payment, based on your configuration, a direct charge request or authorization request is created. You can either charge directly or authorize the payment and then charge it later.

Check Payment methods page to see what payment methods support direct charge (most do) and charge after authorization.

For secured payment methods like invoice secured, paylater-invoice, and installment secured, the charge is the confirmation of shipment by the merchant. It ensures the payout to you. Without the shipment or charge, your transaction will not be paid out. See also, Confirm shipment.

Charge directly

Direct charge will debit customer’s account without any prior authorization.

A direct charge is triggered by calling /payments/charges with an amount, currency, order ID, and a reference to a payment method.

    "amount": "200",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "returnUrl": "",
    "orderId": "{{random_payment_orderId}}",
    "resources": {
        "typeId": "{{payment_method_id}}"
amount (required)stringSpecify the amount to be charged. It is rounded off depending on the respective currency.
currency (required)string(3)Specify the ISO currency code: For a full list of codes, see Amounts and Currencies.
returnUrl (conditional)stringSpecify the URL the customer must be redirected to after a transaction.

Required for redirect payment methods.
orderIdstringSpecify the order ID for the payment. This is required for referencing to the transaction later.
resources (conditional)stringBased on your setup, specify the other details that you want to add to the payment.

Required for Direct charge for payment method reference

Not required for Charge after authorization, you can capture the full amount when you send an empty request.

For a full description of the /payments/charges call, please refer to API reference guide.

    "id": "s-chg-1",
    "isSuccess": false,
    "isPending": true,
    "isError": false,
    "redirectUrl": "",
    "message": {
        "code": "COR.000.200.000",
        "merchant": "Transaction pending",
        "customer": "Your payment is currently pending. Please contact us for more information."
    "amount": "200.0000",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "returnUrl": "",
    "date": "2021-06-07 06:30:20",
    "resources": {
        "paymentId": "s-pay-134237",
        "traceId": "5cc09a0e9df0d281ec68310137d8b306",
        "typeId": "s-ppl-yuxdtvwktq8k"
    "orderId": "payment-order-1623047439520-439",
    "paymentReference": "",
    "processing": {
        "uniqueId": "31HA07BC811A3F8482D02202AAFDDC72",
        "shortId": "4869.7381.7787",
        "traceId": "5cc09a0e9df0d281ec68310137d8b306"

In the previous example , the charge ID is returned with the value s-chg-1. The status of the payment is returned with one of the following values as true:

Status parameterDescription
isSuccessThe charge call was executed successfully.
isPendingThe charge call may return a RedirectUrl. The customer must be redirected to the RedirectUrl so that the customer can complete the payment.
The payment method determines whether a charge call can enter the pending state.
isErrorSomething went wrong. Response contains a separate section that describes the problem.

Only one of the three values can be true. If there is an error, an error code is displayed in the details with a message for you and the customer.

idstringID of the charge transaction
isSuccessbooleanIf the transaction was successful, the value is set to true.
isPendingbooleanIf the transaction is pending, the value is set to true. for example, if a redirect to an external system is required.
isErrorbooleanIf an error occurs, this value is set to true.
redirectUrlstringIf the customer’s confirmation is required, a redirect URL will be returned.
Customer needs to be redirected to this URL and proceed the confirmation.
message.codestringEvery error returns a unique id.
message.customerstringError message for your customer translated into the customer language.
message.merchantstringError message for you. This message appears always in English.
amountstringThe charged amount. The amount is rounded depending on the respective currency.
currencystring(3)ISO currency code.
returnUrlstringThe URL the customer will be redirected to after a transaction.
paymentReferencestringThe description of the transaction.
datedateTimestamp of this transaction.
resources.customerIdstringCustomer ID used for this transaction.
resource.basketIdstringThe basket ID used for this transaction.
resource.metadataIdstringThe metadata ID used for this transaction.
resources.paymentIdstringID of the payment.
resources.typeIdstringID of the types Resource that is to be used for this transaction.
processing.uniqueIdstringUnique ID of the payment system used.
processing.shortIdstringThe reference ID of the payment system.
processing.ibanstringYour (merchant) IBAN for prepayment or invoice. In case of direct debit, this value contains the customer IBAN.
processing.bicstringYour (merchant) BIC for prepayment or invoice. In the case of a direct debit, this value contains the customer BIC.
processing.identificationstringThis value returns the descriptor for invoice and prepayment.
processing.creatorIdstringThis value returns your creditor ID.
processing.3dsecurebooleanIndicates a 3DS transaction (card payment type only).

Charge after authorization

You can also have a two-step procedure in which you first authorize and then charge a payment.

To charge after authorization, you must specify the payment ID or the order ID in the request URL. You can charge the specified amount either partially or fully.

Authorization reserves an amount on the customer’s account. You have 7 days to charge this amount from the customer.

Option 1: Charge full amount

To charge the full amount, you can send an empty charge request after authorizing a payment.


    "id": "s-chg-1",
    "isSuccess": true,
    "isPending": false,
    "isError": false,
    "card3ds": true,
    "message": {
        "code": "COR.000.100.112",
        "merchant": "Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode'",
        "customer": "Your payments have been successfully processed in sandbox mode."
    "amount": "100.0000",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "date": "2021-06-10 11:02:17",

The charge response parameters are explained in the Charge directly section.

Option 2: Charge partial amount

You can also partially charge a payment. This is useful if you shipped some goods to the customer and only want to invoice the shipped goods. If you are charging partially, and charge more than the total charge amount, an error is displayed.

For example, you can charge 40 EUR for the total authorized amount of 100 EUR.

"amount": "40.0000"
    "id": "s-chg-1",
    "isSuccess": true,
    "isPending": false,
    "isError": false,
    "card3ds": true,
    "message": {
        "code": "COR.000.100.112",
        "merchant": "Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode'",
        "customer": "Your payments have been successfully processed in sandbox mode."
    "amount": "40.0000",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "date": "2021-06-10 06:48:54",
    "resources": {
        "customerId": "",
        "paymentId": "s-pay-134249",
        "basketId": "",
        "metadataId": "",
        "payPageId": "",
        "traceId": "99817d01a889c9dde3b828b16aaa2445",
        "typeId": "s-crd-qiwdokmbequc"

To check the pending amount, send a GET request for the order_ID. In the above scenario, 60 EUR is shown as the remaining amount.

    "id": "s-pay-134249",
    "state": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "partly"
    "amount": {
        "total": "100.0000",
        "charged": "40.0000",
        "canceled": "0.0000",
        "remaining": "60.0000"
    "currency": "EUR",
    "orderId": "",
    "invoiceId": "",
    "resources": {
        "customerId": "",
        "paymentId": "s-pay-134249",
        "basketId": "",
        "metadataId": "",
        "payPageId": "",
        "traceId": "99817d01a889c9dde3b828b16aaa2445",
        "typeId": "s-crd-qiwdokmbequc"

See also