Migrate from Shopware 5 HeidelPay to Shopware 5
Set up the payment methods that you want to offer to your customers.
Currently, there are two releases of Unzer Plugins that connect your shop to Unzer. The first one is called HeidelPayment is built with a heidelpay PHP SDK. The other is rebranded to Unzer and is built with Unzer PHP SDK.
After rebranding the plugin to UnzerPayment, the HeidelPayment plugin is now phased out of support and there is no further development in progress.
Hence, to be compatible with future Shopware versions later than 5.7.x, you must use the Shopware 5 plugin.
To migrate to Shopware 5 Unzer Payment plugin,
Step 1: Back up your data
- With the database tool of your choice select the table
(in this example PhpMyAdmin is the database tool). - Run the export functionality.
- Select the Export Method as Quick - display only the minimal options and Format as SQL.
- Store the generated file as a backup.
Step 2: Install the UnzerPayment plugin
Install the Unzer Payment plugin
- Install the plugins as described in the Install the plugin.
- Activate the payment methods of UnzerPayment plugin as described in Set up your payment methods.
- Configure your payment method restrictions in Risk management, for example country restrictions.
Deactivate the HeidelPayment plugin and payment methods
- Deactivate all the HeidelPayment payment methods by going to Configuration > Payment methods.
HeidelPayment payment methods have the prefix heidel in the Name field.
- After this, select Deactivate and then Uninstall.
After deactivating and uninstalling the plugin, the Shopware cache is automatically cleared. To compile the themes you have to confirm via the well known button.
Step 3: Delete the HeidelPayment plugin
After the deactivate and uninstall steps, you can delete the Plugin via Configuration → Plugin Manager and the button.
After deleting the UnzerPayment plugin, you can view the following:
- in Customers → Orders payment method names also for the older orders and no numbers / IDs
- within the order detail view an Unzer Payment tab
- within the order detail view in the Unzer Payment tab you can perform the follow-up transactions.
Within the Customers → Orders view, numbers displayed instead of payment method names
Import the backup from s_core_paymentmeans table into your database.