
Important information

Updates to Visa secure data field mandate: Read more about the mandatory changes.


Manage transactions

Manage transactions in your Gambio shop plugin.

Once you have configured the plugin and set up your payment methods, you can start accepting payments. You can also manage the payment in Unzer Insights.

Before you begin

It is important that you have set up order statuses before you go live with your shop.

Set up payment status for orders

You can specify the order status and what status should be displayed for a payment according to the reversal, capture, or refund for a transaction.

  1. In the shop back end, go to Unzer Payments and select Edit.
  2. Specify the order status for each of the order statuses. Set up order status
  3. Select Save.
Note that if you set up the same status for both Order status after payment capture and Order status to trigger a payment capture, it is possible that the partial payments are not possible or are auto-captured when you do a partial capture. We suggest that you define the order states according to your business requirements. You can also refer to Unzer payment states, if required.

Capture a payment

Capture—also known as charge—collects a previously authorized amount.

You can either capture the full amount or partially.

You can charge a payment from the Orders overview or by selecting the individual order details.

Option 1: In the orders overview

  1. Go to Orders and select the order that you want to capture. Order overview
  2. Hover over the order, select Change Status for the order that you want to capture. Order overview charge
  3. In the Change Order Status window, select Paid. Order charge full amount
  4. Select Execute. Order charge full amount

Option 2: In the Unzer transactions section

  1. Select the order and go to the Unzer section.
  2. Specify the amount that you want to capture and then select Capture amount. Capture

Refund a payment (Cancel after payment)

Option 1: In the orders overview

  1. Go to Orders and hover over the order that you want to reverse, select Change Status for the order. Order overview
  2. Select Cancel. Order overview
  3. In the Cancel Orders window, select Save. Order refund

Option 2: In the Unzer transactions section

  1. Go to Orders and select the order that you want to refund. Order overview
  2. In the Unzer section, select Refund amount. Cancel order
    You can view the transaction details: Transaction details

Reverse a payment (Cancel an authorization)

You can reverse a payment from the order overview.

Option 1: In the orders overview

  1. Go to Orders and hover over the order that you want to reverse, select Change Status for the order. Order overview
  2. Select Cancel.
  3. In the Cancel Orders window, select Save. Reverse a transaction

Option 2: In the Unzer transactions section

  1. Select the Orders that you want to reverse/cancel. Order overview
  2. In the Unzer section, select Cancel payment. Cancel order
    You can view the transaction details: Transaction details
A reversal of partial amounts is currently not supported.

Next steps

See also