
Important information

Updates to Visa secure data field mandate: Read more about the mandatory changes.


Install the plugin

Learn how to install and configure the JTL-shop 4 plugin.

Before you begin

  • JTL system requirements

  • Basic integration requirements from Unzer

  • Minimum PHP version: 7.1

  • Minimum Shopware version: JTL Shop 4.0.6

  • To avoid rounding errors when submitting floating point numbers to the API, we recommend that you set the following value in your php.ini, which selects an improved algorithm for rounding such numbers.

    // php.ini
    ; When floats & doubles are serialized store serialize_precision significant
    ; digits after the floating point. The default value ensures that when floats
    ; are decoded with unserialize, the data will remain the same.
    serialize_precision = -1

Step 1: Get the plugin from the JTL Extension store

  1. Go to the JTL Extension store and download the latest release.
  2. Install the plugin when the online store is running.
    1. Upload the plugin from the shop, version 4.x into the directory \includes\plugins.
      The upload is only available in unpacked form. File archives, such as *.zip or *.tgz, are not supported).
    2. Start the installation: In the shop in the back end, go to Vorhanden > Pluginverwaltung.
      The installation runs automatically.

For more details on the plugin requirements, see Unzer Zahlungsarten (JTL-Shop 4)

Step 2: Configure your plugin environment

  • To configure the payment methods, go to Storefront >Zahlungsarten > Übersicht.
  • Set up your payment methods.
  • To change or review the general plugin configuration, go to Plugins > Solution 360 and then Einstellungen.

Plugin configuration JTL4

Privater Schlüssel (Private Key)Enter your private key that you received in Unzer Insights
Öffentlicher Schlüssel (Public Key)Enter your public key that you received in Unzer Insights
Händler ID für das Insight PortalEnter your Merchant ID to directly access your Unzer Insights account.
SchriftgrößeSelect the font size for the credit-card form
SchriftfarbeSelect the font color for credit-card form
SchriftartSelect the font type for the credit-card form
Selektor für den Submit-Button im ZahlungszwischenschrittSelect the type of the submit button in the payment step
PQ-Selector für “Zahlungsart ändern” Button im ZwischenschrittSelect the the PHP-query-selector to hook into Zahlungsart ändern button for the payment steps
PQ-Einfügemethode für “Zahlungsart ändern” Button im ZwischenschrittSelect the PHP-query-add-method to hook into Zahlungsart ändern -button for the payment steps
PQ-Selector für FehlermeldungenSelect the PHP-query-selector to hook into plugin failure messages for the Versandart/Zahlungsart Auswahl
PQ-Einfügemethode für FehlermeldungenSelect the PHP-query-add-method to hook into plugin failure messages for the Versandart/Zahlungsart Auswahl
PQ-Selector für Zahlungsart-Extras auf der “Bestellung überprüfen”-SeiteSelect the PHP-query-selector to hook into payment method extras for the Bestellung überprüfen webpage
PQ-Einfügemethode für “Bestellung überprüfen”-SeiteSelect the PHP-query-add-method to hook into payment method extras for the Bestellung überprüfen webpage
Webhooks neu registrierenSelect this option of you want to register the webhooks URL again. This is necessary, for example, if your store URL has changed.

Next steps