
Important information

Please be advised that there will be a scheduled downtime across our API network on November 05 and November 07, 2024. For more information, visit our platform status portal.:
- Scheduled maintenance on November 5, 2024
- Scheduled maintenance on November 7, 2024


Set up your payment methods

Set up the payment methods that you want to offer to your customers.

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Plugin updates
There are no further updates planned for this plugin.
Go to WooCommerce for the new Unzer plugin documentation and installation steps.

Before you begin

Step 1: Enable payment methods in the WooCommerce shop

To enable each payment method, sign in to your admin account, and go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments. Set all payment methods you want to offer to your customers to enabled.

Step 2: Configure each payment method

  1. To enable each payment method, sign in to your admin account, and go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
  2. Select Manage to change the configuration of each payment method WooCommerce administration payment methods The image displays the configuration for payment method SEPA Direct Debits as an example. Other payment methods can have additional or fewer fields. The following table lists all possible configuration values for payment methods.
Enable/DisableSelect to enable the payment method.
TitleThis controls the title which the user sees during checkout.
Minimum order totalSet the minimal order total for which this payment method is available. If it is set to zero, it is always available.
Maximal order totalSet the maximal order total for which the specific payment method is available. If it is set to zero, it is always available.
Authorised statusThis status is set when the payment was successful and it is authorized. (Payment has to be captured later)
Uncertain statusSpecify the order status for new orders that have an uncertain authorization status.
Cancelled statusSpecify the order status for cancelled orders.
Captured statusSpecify the order status for orders that are captured either directly after the order or manually in the back end.
Element SizeSelect how the elements from Unzer should be loaded? With narrow elements the element label is displayed by the store, with wide elements it is loaded via JavaScript by Unzer. The input elements are always loaded from Unzer.
Send BasketSelect if the invoice items be transmitted to Unzer? This might increase the processing time due to an additional request, and may cause issues for certain quantity or price combinations. It is mandatory for some payment methods.
Send CustomerSelect if the customer data should be transmitted to Unzer? This slightly increases the processing time due to an additional request, but may allow for example, saving the payment method for the customer. It is mandatory for some payment methods.
CapturingSelect if the amount should be captured automatically after the order (Direct Charge) or should the amount only be reserved (Authorize)? Available for credit card and PayPal.
Applied Interest RateSpecify the interest rate in percent for the Installment. The rate must be above the amount that you have agreed with Unzer. Available for Unzer Installment payment method.
Merchant nameConfigure the merchant name which is displayed as part of the mandate text.
Authorisation MethodDo not change.

Next steps

Learn how to handle transactions Manage transactions

See also