
Important information

Please be advised that there will be a scheduled downtime across our API network on November 05 and November 07, 2024. For more information, visit our platform status portal.:
- Scheduled maintenance on November 5, 2024
- Scheduled maintenance on November 7, 2024


Post Finance eFinance

Learn more about Post Finance eFinance and payment workflow.

PostFinance is an online direct payment method used by the Swiss customers for online payments. The transaction currency is Swiss Franc (CHF).

If the customer wants to pay using this PostFinance eFinance, they will be redirected to PostFinances portal where they must authenticate themselves with their fingerprint or faceID on their computer or smartphone. Your customer may also use the PostFinance yellow card reader that was standard prior to 2019.

Payment method typeBank redirects
Available inSwitzerland
Supported currenciesCHF
Supported customer typesB2B, B2C


RedirectRefundPartial RefundReversalChargebackRecurringPayout
SupportsSupportsSupportsNo supportNo supportNo supportNo support


  • Payment security: Your customer logs in with their faceID, fingerprint, or with the yellow card reader form PostFinance, so it is a safe and secure payment method.
  • Increased customer confidence: It is a recognized brand in Switzerland and trusted by your Swiss customers.

Payment workflow

The following diagram explains workflow for PostFinance eFinance payments.

Post Finance eFinance payment workflow

Step 1: Create a post-efinance payment type resource.

A resource ID is generated in the response and is used in the workflow to complete the payment.

Step 2: Make a charge transaction with the post-efinance resource that you created.

Step 3: Forward the customer to the redirectUrl that is displayed in the charge response.

Step 4: Once the customer makes the payment on their bank portal using their yellow card reader from PostFinance, redirect the customer to the returnURL specified in the initial charge call.

Step 5: After the transaction, display the result to the customer in the front end of the online shop.

Integration options

Quickly integrate with Unzer without any programming knowledge

Use pre-built, configurable all-in-one pages with your own mix of payment methods

Use pre-built forms and quickly integrate with minimum work on the client side

Integrate with Unzer using your own payment form