Manage Google Pay payment
Manage Google Pay™ transactions.
Manage paymentsAfter the successful charge
or authorize
transaction, you can perform additional operations on the payment
resource. Some of the important ones are described in the following section.
For a full reference of managing payments, go to relevant server-side integration documentation page: Manage API resources (direct API calls), Manage API resources (PHP SDK), or Manage API resources (Java SDK).
Cancel before money receipt (reversal)
To reduce or cancel a reservation on the customer account, perform a cancel
on the initial transaction. An example of reversal would be unblocking the reserved amount on the customer account after they returned a rented car.
$unzer = new Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
$payment = $unzer->fetchPayment('s-pay-1');
$unzer->cancelAuthorizationByPayment($payment, 20.00);
Unzer unzer = new Unzer("s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx");
Authorization authorization = unzer.fetchAuthorization('s-pay-1');
Cancel cancel = authorization.cancel();
The response looks similar to the following example:
"id": "s-cnl-1",
"isSuccess": true,
"isPending": false,
"isResumed": false,
"isError": false,
"card3ds": true,
"message": {
"code": "COR.000.000.000",
"merchant": "Transaction succeeded",
"customer": "Your payments have been successfully processed."
"amount": "205.9500",
"currency": "EUR",
"date": "2024-02-14 10:34:09",
"resources": {
"customerId": "s-cst-b7e502fcbb10",
"paymentId": "s-pay-1",
"basketId": "s-bsk-7e772dd4266b",
"metadataId": "",
"payPageId": "",
"traceId": "aaf9c131adb06fa4c2552cf5acf6071a",
"typeId": "s-gop-p6gwgiuvjigm"
"orderId": "1707906783-208",
"paymentReference": "",
"processing": {
"uniqueId": "31HA07BC8127F6AE26D47CFB15FCD7DA",
"shortId": "5718.3324.9541",
"traceId": "aaf9c131adb06fa4c2552cf5acf6071a"
Cancel after payment (refund)
You can refund up to the amount of the received payment. To do this you have to make a Cancel
transaction on the charges
received through webhooks. It is also possible to perform cancel on the partial charge transaction by providing the partially charged amount in the request.
"amount" : "205.95",
"paymentReference": "Test cancel transaction"
$unzer = new Unzer('s-priv-xxxxxxxxxx');
$charge = $unzer->fetchChargeById('s-pay-1', 's-chg-1');
$cancel = $charge->cancel();
"id": "s-cnl-1",
"isSuccess": true,
"isPending": false,
"isResumed": false,
"isError": false,
"card3ds": true,
"message": {
"code": "COR.000.000.000",
"merchant": "Transaction succeeded",
"customer": "Your payments have been successfully processed."
"amount": "205.9500",
"currency": "EUR",
"date": "2024-02-14 10:34:09",
"resources": {
"customerId": "s-cst-b7e502fcbb10",
"paymentId": "s-pay-1",
"basketId": "s-bsk-7e772dd4266b",
"metadataId": "",
"payPageId": "",
"traceId": "aaf9c131adb06fa4c2552cf5acf6071a",
"typeId": "s-gop-p6gwgiuvjigm"
"orderId": "1707906783-208",
"paymentReference": "",
"processing": {
"uniqueId": "31HA07BC8127F6AE26D47CFB15FCD7DA",
"shortId": "5718.3324.9541",
"traceId": "aaf9c131adb06fa4c2552cf5acf6071a"
The response looks similar to the following example:
"id": "s-cnl-1",
"isSuccess": true,
"isPending": false,
"isResumed": false,
"isError": false,
"card3ds": true,
"message": {
"code": "COR.000.000.000",
"merchant": "Transaction succeeded",
"customer": "Your payments have been successfully processed."
"amount": "205.9500",
"currency": "EUR",
"date": "2024-02-14 10:34:09",
"resources": {
"customerId": "s-cst-b7e502fcbb10",
"paymentId": "s-pay-1",
"basketId": "s-bsk-7e772dd4266b",
"metadataId": "",
"payPageId": "",
"traceId": "aaf9c131adb06fa4c2552cf5acf6071a",
"typeId": "s-gop-p6gwgiuvjigm"
"orderId": "1707906783-208",
"paymentReference": "",
"processing": {
"uniqueId": "31HA07BC8127F6AE26D47CFB15FCD7DA",
"shortId": "5718.3324.9541",
"traceId": "aaf9c131adb06fa4c2552cf5acf6071a"