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[Deprecated] Unzer Invoice


Learn more about Unzer Invoice and its workflow.


If you are using payment types invoice, note that this method is now deprecated. There are no further developments planned for it.

If you want to access the documentation for the new paylater-invoice payment type, check the Unzer Invoice page.

Unzer Invoice is a convenient payment method for customers. The merchant ships their goods to the customer and the customer pays their order via bank transfer upon arrival of the goods. Unzer offers to check for received funds and commence matching.

If you are interested in an invoice product where Unzer is taking the risk and will pay you out in case the customer doesn’t pay, please check our Unzer Invoice Secured payment method.

Available inSupported currenciesRedirectRefundPartial RefundReversalChargebackRecurringPayoutPay laterUnzer Secured
AT, BE, DK, FI, FR, DE, ES, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LI, LU, MT, NL, NO, PT, SECHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, USDNo supportSupportsSupportsSupportsNo supportNo supportSupportsSupportsNo support


  • Ease of use: The customer can go through the checkout without providing their payment method details - the merchant’s account number, which is actually an Unzer trusted bank account will be used to make the payment. The account details will be provided to the merchant and used to create the invoice.
  • Supported by all banks offering bank transfer to a German bank account: The Bank account which we provide as the merchant’s account is in fact a bank account held by Unzer.

Payment workflow

The following diagram explains workflow for Unzer invoice payments.

Unzer Invoice workflow

Step 1: Create a invoice payment type resource.

A resource ID is generated in the response and is used in the workflow to complete the payment.

Step 2: Make a charge transaction with the invoice resource that you created.

Step 3: After the transaction, display the result (mainly contains the payment information) to the customer in the front end of the online shop.

Step 4: Add payment details on invoice

Integration options

Quickly integrate with Unzer without any programming knowledge

Use pre-built, configurable all-in-one pages with your own mix of payment methods

Use pre-built forms and quickly integrate with minimum work on the client side

Integrate with Unzer using your own payment form