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The domain name and auth service are now updated.
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Get a test account

Test account allows you to make test payments and you can verify your integration.

Step 1: Request a test account

You can request a dedicated test setup by contacting our Sales department.
Specify your company details and payment requirements, such as:

  • business model
  • payment methods
  • card brands (only mandatory for card payment method)
  • currencies

Based on the information provided, we will create the appropriate test account setup. If you are not sure about the payment methods choice, check the Payment use cases and Payment methods pages.

In general, the test setup should be the same as the desired setup in production.

Step 2: Get test API keys

All transactions are authenticated using API keys. These are available in Unzer Insights. Using these, you will be able to perform test transactions and start your integration.

Learn more about Authentication

Next steps

After getting your test key pairs, you can choose an integration option and start integrating your shop with our Unzer APIs.

See also

Get a live account