
Important information

The API reference is now available here.
The deprecated API reference is available here.



Find answers to frequently asked questions.

How do I get notified about chargebacks or other payment events?

Please refer to our notifications page to activate your notifications and also for possible webhook events.

Where can I find transaction details?

You can check transaction details in two ways:

  • Call the dedicated /payments/{orderId} endpoint. For more information, see the Check payment details section.
  • On the Unzer Insights platform, go to the Transactions section and search for the transaction ID, unique ID, or short ID.
How do I know that a pending transaction is completed?

You can check a transaction status in three ways:

  • Call the dedicated /payments/{orderId} endpoint. For more information, see the Check payments details section.
  • On the Unzer Insights platform, go to the Transactions section and search for the transaction ID, unique ID, or the short ID.
  • To get an automatic notification when a pending transaction gets completed, implement a webhook.
Where can I find the source code for the server-side SDKs?

For more information on the server-side SDKs, see the following sections:

Where can I get my public and private key?

To get your public key and private key, sign a contract with Unzer.

For more details, see the Get a live account section.

Which ID is displayed in the transaction reporting or the settlement files?

You can find the orderId in the Unzer settlement files and transaction reporting in Unzer Insights.

For more information, see the following sections:

How do I send my unique payment reference ID to Unzer payment?

Use the OrderId parameter to send your unique reference ID to the Unzer payment systems.

You can find the reference ID in Unzer Insights and also your weekly or monthly settlement reports from Unzer.

For more information, see the Server side integration section.

Do I have to add IP addresses to the allowlist?

If you want to receive notifications for payment events, you must add the IP addresses to the allowlist. First implement the webhooks and then add the IP addresses as described here.